A new era of leadership in advocacy and governance for the sheep industry started this week as Sheep Producers Australia officially became the peak industry body for the nation’s sheep and lamb industry, replacing the former Sheepmeat Council of Australia.
The results are in from the Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) director elections, with WAFarmers congratulating Mr Don Macdonald, Ms Colette Garnsey and Mr James Morgan on their appointments.
The Victorian Farmers Federation Livestock Group has welcomed the continuing investment into the eID tag price as the State Government rolls out the new electronic system.
Sheep numbers saw a downward shift from the previous two weeks with yarding’s totaling 65,510, just shy of 27,000 head under last week’s AuctionsPlus listings.
The inaugural Annual General Meeting of Sheep Producers Australia Limited will be held tomorrow, November 14, marking the start of a new era of advocacy and governance for the sheepmeat industry.
A new online hub, new website and the launch of the new android App highlight the latest opportunities for the popular Lifetime Ewe Management course (LTEM).
Queensland wool growers are being urged to make their votes count not only in the State Election but also at Australian Wool Innovation’s Annual General Meeting so they help set the future direction of their wool industry.