To transfer bulls or not to transfer? This is the question every member asks themselves when selling bulls at stud sales, privately or through the yards.
Joined females were mixed in quality, averaging $1453 and selling to a top of $2280 for a line of 28 month old Angus heifers, PTIC, from Jugiong, NSW on AuctionsPlus.
The Angus Sire Benchmarking Program (ASBP) has received outstanding response from Angus Australia members through the entry of 33 new Australian sires, coming from 70 nominations, to produce the Cohort 8 calves.
From an industry perspective, the Millah Murrah Angus sale underlined the seemingly endless horizon in demand for quality Angus cattle, according to stud principal Ross Thompson.
NVLX Wodonga maintained its position of the largest selling centre in the state, yarding 184,588 head, while Leongatha totalled 127,914 head, placing it in second position.