More than 2000 Queensland cattle producers managing more than 28 million hectares of land have now adopted the Grazing Best Management Practices (BMP) program to boost their budget bottom line and showcase their environmental credentials.
Angus Australia sent six young cattle enthusiasts to attend the inaugural Australian Registered Cattle Breeders (ARCBA), Young Breed Leaders Workshop held in Brisbane.
There has been a stellar start to the Angus Regional Forums roadshow, with Angus enthusiasts across Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria, receiving updates on the latest developments and services offered by Angus Australia.
A polled white bull, exhibited by Jai Thomas’ JT Country Life stud, Murdoch, WA has taken the title of Supreme Champion at this years Perth Royal Show.
The JBS Australia Thousand Guineas Shorthorn beef brand has again been awarded a Silver medal in the 2017 Sydney Royal Fine Foods Awards, after scoring 84.83 points in the prestigious competition.